A lady was driving her family home from St. Louis to Louisville. The road was foggy. She came upon a semi-truck driving in the fast lane. The lady went to pass the semi, and he erratically changed lanes and hit her. Her car spun out on the interstate. The damage was significant. The lady was more concerned about her daughter and family than herself and ensured they got to the ER. She started experiencing neck and shoulder pain almost immediately after the wreck. The insurance company said their truck driver said it wasn’t his fault and only offered $100,000 to settle the case.
The client called Justin and Lindsey at the Dixie Law Group for help. Justin retained one of the most renowned experts in the field of trucking to help investigate the case. The truck driver was deposed and said he didn’t see the client and thought she was driving too fast. After Justin deposed him with the information from the expert's investigation, the semi-truck driver admitted to violating several trucking safety laws, including driving too fast and in the wrong lane in the fog. After the investigation, depositions, and litigation process, the insurance company finally agreed with Justin’s demand for the client and settled the case for ten times the first offer.
If you would like to speak with an attorney, reach out to us. You can call our firm at 502-273-5178 or contact us online.