Attorneys often refer to the Dixie Law Group, PSC, for help with litigation and personal injury cases. A lady was rear-ended in 2017 and was significantly injured. She hired a local probate attorney to help her. He told her that he would help her through the process and do the best he could. However, once the insurance company responded with a lowball offer of $20,000, the attorney reached out to the Dixie Law Group for help.
The Dixie Law Group immediately started fighting for the client and filed the lawsuit. After the Dixie Law Group investigated, collected all the records, and spoke with the insurance adjuster to layout the lady’s case, the insurance company folded and offered the total policy limits available of $100,000.
If you would like to speak with an attorney, reach out to us. You can call our firm at 502-273-5178 or contact us online.