In 2017, two teenage brothers were driving down the road on their way to sports practice at the local high school. They came to a stoplight and another vehicle slammed into them from behind. Initially, both boys believed they were okay even though they were very sore. Two days later, the car insurance company contacted them to settle each case for $500. The boys’ mother had a feeling that something wasn't right with how eager the insurance company was to settle, so she told the insurance company that she would let them know and put the check in a drawer.
About five days after the wreck, one of the brothers, who had been suffering from lingering knee pain after the wreck, noticed a significant increase in his knee pain. The boy's mother immediately took him to the hospital and follow-up with his primary care physician. An MRI confirmed he had a knee tear that would require surgery.
The boy’s mother hired Mr. May & Ms. Goetz to recover for her son's medical bills, lost time playing sports, and the loss of the enjoyment of normal day to day high school activities. Once involved, the Dixie Law Group aggressively pursued the claim and settled the case for the policy limits of $150,000.
If you would like to speak with an attorney, reach out to us. You can call our firm at 502-273-5178 or contact us online.