In 2018, an Uber driver was driving with a passenger and was rear-ended by an individual who was not paying attention. The Uber driver’s car suffered significant damage and his car was totaled. The Uber driver's car was his lifeline, and this wreck had cut off his source of income. Not only that, but the Uber driver's back, neck, and shoulder were in incredible pain. He called the insurance company of the driver who hit him, and the insurance company told him that it would take at least four weeks for him to get his car fixed. They then offered the Uber driver $1,000 to settle his case.
The Uber driver decided it would be a good idea to hire a car accident lawyer to help.
The Uber driver hired the Dixie Law Group, PSC. The Dixie Law Group helped him get his car fixed more quickly than the time frame given by the insurance company. Also, the Dixie Law Group encouraged him to seek professional medical help through his own doctor (not a chiropractor) for his back and neck. Upon going to an orthopedic specialist, the Uber driver found out that he had disc bulges in his back. The Dixie Law Group, PSC, ended up settling his case for $50,000.
If you would like to speak with an attorney, reach out to us. You can call our firm at 502-273-5178 or contact us online.