Hit and Run Injury – What do I do now?

A car accident can change your life in a split second. When you are injured in a car accident, even more changes happen for you. You suddenly have tons of medical bills, have to get your car fixed, and lost work time. All of these things can add up very quickly. On top of it all, what could be worse than to not know who the person is that is at fault for these injuries? The problem with hit and run accidents is that the drivers at fault usually do not get caught.

If this happens to you, you may not know where to start. Although no one wants to get into a car accident, it makes everything much easier when the person stops and exchanges information with you. The help of an attorney is most likely needed in this case. They will be able to go over your rights with you and get it cleared up on how to handle the scenario in which someone flees the scene after a car accident.

Drivers will flee the scene of an accident even though it is their fault every day. While this is sad, it is true. People will do this for a number of reasons. Sometimes, it is possible that someone has hit you and did not even realize it. If they never noticed, they could have just driven away and not given it a second thought. On the other hand, some people may flee the scene because they do not have insurance, were under the influence of drugs or alcohol, driving a vehicle that is not theirs, or just flat out think they won’t get caught for it. If any of these instances happen however, you need to do what you can to protect yourself and your own rights.

There are some steps that you can take if you are involved in a hit and run accident. The first thing you should do is write down whatever you can remember about the person who hit you and their vehicle. This could include their license plate number, color/make/model of the vehicle or a physical description of the person. There are all things that could help your case. Do not try to chase the hit and run driver. This could be dangerous and you should not leave the scene of the accident in order to keep your facts straight about when and where it took place. You should also be sure to report it to the authorities right away. Another important thing is to check if there were any witnesses to the accident. If so, you should ask them to make a statement and any description they can remember as well. You want to be sure that any witnesses that you talk to give you their name and contact information. This would be helpful for any attorneys and/or authorities if they need more information in the future.

Dealing with these type of accidents is never easy. It may be difficult to get what you deserve out of your insurance company as well. You want to be sure you have the best resources that will do the most that they can for you. Hit and run accidents happen every single day. You want to be sure that you are prepared and know how to handle it if it were to happen to you. Contact Dixie Law Group today for help.

Reach Out To Us For Help

We work closely with our clients and offer vigorous representation both in and out of the courtroom. If you would like to learn more about our services, please reach out to our office today.

You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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If you would like to speak with an attorney, reach out to us. You can call our firm at 502-273-5178 or contact us online.

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