How Daylight Savings Time Can Affect Your Driving

When daylight savings time ends on November 1, the summer has officially ended which means it'll start getting darker significantly earlier. This doesn’t mean you just need to change your clocks, but you need to understand that you will be driving a lot more in the dark. According to the risk of a fatal crash is three times more likely at night than during the day. This is important to keep in mind when you are coming home from work at night because it will most likely be completely dark by then. This is also important for teen drivers to be aware of when coming home from school or sports practice because they have less driving experience, especially in the dark.

Five Reasons to Be Aware of the Danger of Texting and Driving

According to

  1. Fatal crashes increase by 6 percent the week following daylight saving time.
  2. The switch that happens every year increases sleep deprivation, resulting in jet-lag symptoms that leave people feeling drowsy while driving.
  3. Drowsy driving can just be as dangerous as drunk driving because you are not paying attention to the roads as much as you would be fully rested.
  4. Driving drunk and drowsy driving negatively affect how well you make fast decisions and make it hard to pay attention to the road and properly assess potential hazards.
  5. To prevent any risks, experts suggest prioritizing your sleep in the days leading up to the day light saving transition so your body can ease into the time switch.

According to, drivers who lose one or two hours of sleep out of the suggested seven hours in 24 hours almost double their risk for a crash. It is important to remember to switch your clocks and get a full night's rest, so you are not as risk for a car accident.

Three Ways to Prep for Daylight Savings

Here are three things to do to prep for the daylight-saving time switch ( :

  1. Make sure all headlights, tail lights brake lights and turn signals are working properly, so he or she can be seen by other drivers on the road.
  2. Be on alert for animals, especially deer, crossing the roads. Many animals are most active at night and come out earlier in the winter than summer.
  3. Make sure you are well rested and have adjusted to the time change before you get behind the wheel.

Contact Dixie Law Group

If you or a loved one are injured in a car accident, don’t hesitate to call the Dixie Law Group at 502-305-4654 for a free consultation with one of our attorneys. Our attorneys work diligently to fight for you and provide the best legal support possible.

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We work closely with our clients and offer vigorous representation both in and out of the courtroom. If you would like to learn more about our services, please reach out to our office today.

You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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