12 Summer Driving Safety Tips to Prevent Car Accidents

With the official first day of summer underway, the warmest and brightest time of the year ensues. With this sunny season are road trips and vacations, especially when things start to open up again. While this time of the year may be fantastic for making memories through road trips and traveling, it is considered the most dangerous time to travel. According to the Make Roads Safe Organization, car accidents are most likely to occur during the summer months because of heavily traveled roadways. For this reason, we have a comprehensive list of summer safety tips to keep you and your loved ones safe while traveling this summer. 

12 Summer Driving Safety Tips

  1. Ready Your Vehicle for Summertime Driving – While your vehicle should undergo regular maintenance year-round, be sure to prepare your car before a summer road trip. Some safety measures you can take include getting an oil change, tire rotations, checking the engine cooling system, checking your air conditioner, checking your brakes, checking vehicle lights, and inspecting windshield wipers. 
  2. Be Familiar with the Navigation for Your Travel Plans – Before taking off for your trip, figure out which route you may want to take. In reviewing your journey in advance, you will have a much better idea of what to expect during your travel. You could also avoid high traffic areas, which could alleviate stress and reduce your risk of a car accident. This could also be of any construction zones, new roadways, etc. you may potentially encounter.
  3. Plan for Emergencies – Even when you intend to be safe during your summer trip, emergencies still happen. Whether it is a flat tire, broken windshield, or whatever it may be, being prepared could make all the difference. Some examples of items to pack in case of an emergency can include a first aid kit, jumper cables, a spare tire, phone chargers, and water. Also, signing up for a AAA membership can help you in this situation.
  4. Do Not Overpack Your Vehicle– While driving on a long trip, it is immensely important to have a clear and open view of all of your windows. If your car is packed to the brim, this could be hazardous to your driving. It is also essential to consider the maximum weight capacity of the vehicle, which includes the passengers. 
  5. Be Prepared to Face the Sunny Glare – With the summer comes the sun, and with the sun can come difficult driving visibility. For this reason, be sure to pack sunglasses in your console so that you can see the roadway. 
  6. Follow Extreme Heat Protocol – The heat that radiates from the sun in the summer is robust, so act accordingly to prevent overheating. Some ways to do this include appropriately dressing for the weather and staying hydrated at all times. 
  7. Don’t Rush – As much as you would probably like to get to the destination you are traveling to quickly as possible, do not rush. Stop when you need to and do not push your limits. If you feel the need to get out and stretch, have a meal, or stop for the night in a hotel, do not hesitate to do so. 
  8. Ensure Everyone and Everything Are Properly Secured – Anytime you start and stop your vehicle, ensure all passengers, and all items in/on your car are appropriately secured. Things can be easily shifted while driving on the highway, so it is always wise to make sure they are fastened and secure. It would be best if you also were assured that everyone in the vehicle is wearing a seatbelt when driving. 
  9. Be Aware of Your Gas Tank – During a long road trip, your attention span may be so focused on the road that you forget to monitor the gas tank as you normally would. Running out of gas is never a favorable scenario, so be aware of how much gas you have left before it is too late. 
  10. Drive with Special Caution on Backroads and Construction ZonesConstruction zones and backroads that you may encounter during a road trip are most likely unfamiliar territory for most drivers. These areas should be driven with extra caution as they can be unpredictable. 
  11. Do Not Drive Drunk or Drowsy – While you should never drive while you are impaired, whether it is driving or drunk or driving tired, it is especially ill-advised during a long road trip. Often on long road trips, people attempt to drive through all hours of the night. This creates a hazard to you, your family/friends, and the motoring public. While we could pull it off in college, if you're older than 25, I would strongly encourage you to drive during regular hours. And if you're tired, please stay at a hotel. If you never make it to the vacation because you wrecked, you will be disappointed.
  12. Be Cautious of Summer Storms – While summer is most commonly recognized for "fun in the sun," summer storms do occur. Before leaving for a long road trip, check the weather. If the storm conditions begin to generate dangerous road conditions, cautiously pull over and wait. Your vacation will not happen if you go to the hospital because of a wreck.

Injured in a Car Accident This Summer? Contact Us

Operating the aftermath of a car accident can be difficult. We are here to relieve that stress and let you focus on getting healthy. If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident this summer, please do not hesitate to call the Dixie Law Group.
You will receive a 100% free consultation with an attorney.
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