Seven Tips for Children’s Safety to take Before a Car Accident

Children who are not properly secured in a vehicle at the time of a wreck are usually injured worse than unsecured adults in the same vehicle. For that reason, we have generated seven tips to reduce potential hazards for children while he or she rides in a car. Although some of these tips may be generally well-known, we thought it was best to include them so you can use the list as reference in the future. Our children are the future and should be protected while riding in a vehicle. It is everyone’s responsibility to keep them safe and we are here to help!

  1. Find the Right Car Seat for Your Child – A car seat is the primary safety tool for children’s while riding in the car. However, finding the right car seat for your child is important. Children are constantly outgrowing things including their car seats. Make certain that as your child grows in height and weight, they have the corresponding car seat to keep them safe! Something else to note is that just because one car seat was suitable for one of your children does not mean it will be for another. 
  2. Seek Assistance with Car Seat Installation if there is Uncertainty– Properly installing your child’s car seat is crucial. If you put you put your helmet on backwards while playing football it isn’t going to help you very much. The same principle applies to a car seat. Installing a car seat is a pain, however, doing it right will create a safer ride for your child and put your mind at ease. There is no shame in requesting installation assistance when it comes to your child’s safety. If you can’t find anyone to help most manufactures have YouTube videos on how to properly install a car seat. We encourage to find the corresponding car seat installation video and watch it so you can be reassured everything is properly installed.
  3. Register the Car Seat That You Purchase – After purchasing the appropriate car seat for your child, be certain to register your car seat. This is an essential step that enables you to be immediately notified if the car seat is recalled for any reason. You can do this on the manufacturers website. If the manufactures website isn’t helpful, then google how to register the car seat and follow the links. This can be a cumbersome process, but will be necessary if something happens and you want to get your money back for the warranty.
  4. Do not Permit Small Children to Ride in the Front Seat – According to the American Society for the Positive Care of Children, children under the age of 12 should never be allowed to ride in the front seat. Although this may seem slightly extreme, airbags present in the front seat could be very detrimental to a child under the age of 12. Also, passengers in the backseat of cars usually suffer less significant injuries than front seat passengers.
  5. Always Make Sure Seatbelts are Fastened and Appropriately Positioned -– it is vitally important for every passenger (especially children) to wear their seatbelts in the car. Regardless of whether it is to a quick trip to the neighbor’s house or gas station less than a mile down the road, do not abstain from wearing your seat belt. Most wrecks occur within 5 miles of people’s homes. Remember this the next time you think it is okay to ignore wearing it for that quick trip. Always wear your seatbelt!
  6. Do Not Leave Children Unattended in Cars – No matter the circumstance, do not leave your children unattended in your car. 
  7. Stay Focused – Last but not least, staying focused and avoiding distractions while driving is always a good idea, but even more so when children are in the car. 

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, please do not hesitate to call Dixie Law Group at 502-290-2397.

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