Kentucky was celebrating a better year of driving in 2017. In fact, according to news from Dec. 31, there had been around 70 fewer deaths in 2017 than in 2016 by the same time. That's great news for drivers and the police alike.
According to the story, there were hundreds of crashes, but deaths were fewer. In 2016, there had been 824 deaths, whereas there were only 750 in Kentucky at the same time in 2017. Although the goal is eventually to have no traffic fatalities, this reduction is moving in the right direction.
Many of the people who died in 2017 may have been able to have been saved if they'd worn their seat belts, according to the Kentucky State Police. Up to 232 of the people killed were not wearing their seatbelts at the time of their deaths. Another 122 of the deaths were related to alcohol in some way.
The KSP ask that drivers keep these facts in mind. If they wear seat belts and avoid driving while intoxicated, there's a chance to save lives, including their own. Take your time when you drive, and report any unusual driving behaviors by others. It could help save your life or the lives of those you love.
Know Your Rights After a Crash
If you're hit in a crash in Kentucky, it's important to know your rights. Drivers who cause accidents need to be held accountable for their actions. You have a right to seek out compensation from anyone who injures you due to his or her own negligence, distractions or malicious intent.