Deadly Day: The Fourth of July Is a Heavy Risk to Drivers

There is nothing more exciting than heading out to see the large fireworks show you see each year. Every year it gets bigger and better. Traffic is always a nightmare, but you get through it and have a good time.

The Fourth of July is known as the deadliest holiday in the United States. This holiday weekend poses many hazards, so to enjoy it fully, you have to make sure to prepare yourself for the risks you're exposing yourself to.

In 2017, it's expected that more Americans will travel on the Fourth of July than in previous years. With more people on the roads, it's more likely that individuals will get into accidents. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that the Fourth of July is actually the worst day of the year for crashes resulting in fatalities. The statistics show that 40 percent of all highway deaths in the five-year period between 2007 and 2011 were a result of drug drivers on the Fourth of July.

Of course, drunk driving isn't the only danger on the roads during the holiday. Fireworks are another serious threat, and not just to those using them or watching a firework display.

Stray fireworks could shoot onto the roads, and the smoke resulting from a large display can make it hard for drivers to see on the roads. Additionally, those who are close to the display may notice debris falling from the sky; even fireworks have casings that drop to the ground after they're fired.

If you are impacted by a crash as a result of someone driving distracted while watching a show in the distance, know that you can pursue a claim.

Source: Fortune, "The 4th of July Is the Deadliest Holiday in America," Sy Mukherjee, June 30, 2017

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