Making Sense of Kentucky Motorcycle Helmet Laws


On July 15, 2000, Kentucky legislators passed HB 619, which no longer required those 21-years-old or older to wear a helmet. Additionally, the legislature did away with a law that required motorcyclists to prove they were covered by health insurance.

Under state law, bikers under 21 years of age, whether they are operators or passengers on a motorcycle, are required to wear helmets. The same holds true for those who are operating a motorcycle on a permit or has had their motorcycle license for less than one year.

The legislation also made helmet laws clear as they relate to motorcycle passengers. Under Kentucky law, only registered motorcycle owners over 21 years old are permitted to ride without a helmet. For all others, such as passengers, borrowers, or other riders with an out-of-state license, they are required to wear a helmet.



Those found to violate Kentucky's helmet laws are subject to fines. While these fines can be as low as $20, more common fines are anywhere between $100 to $500. The fines increase based on the number and frequency of violations.


The Secretary of the Transportation Cabinet is responsible for establishing minimum safety regulations for both helmets and protective eyewear, as well as how both are to be used. The Secretary can also prescribe additional rules as deemed necessary. The Kentucky legislature is the only government body with the power to change current Kentucky motorcycle helmet laws.


Was someone you know was injured or killed in a motorcycle accident in Kentucky? The counsel of an experienced motorcycle crash attorney can help you understand your rights.

Only the Dixie Law Group, PSC will offer you a 100% FREE CONSULTATION WITH AN ATTORNEY for your car wreck case. Don’t wait – speak with an experienced car wreck attorney now.

Contact our office at 502-208-1436 or schedule an appointment online.


Source:, "Age requirement 21 years old: State of Kentucky," accessed Feb. 03, 2017

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We work closely with our clients and offer vigorous representation both in and out of the courtroom. If you would like to learn more about our services, please reach out to our office today.

You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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