How to Remain a Smart & Safe Driver as Daylight Savings Time Approaches

Hello Kentuckians! With the impending transition to Spring in mid-March less than a month away, it is essential to note that Daylight Savings time is forthcoming as well. The official date for the conversion to Daylight Savings time this year is Sunday, March 8th. With that being said, as time leaps forward, we will lose a seasoned hour of sunlight in the morning. In consideration of these changes that accompany Daylight Savings time, one should acknowledge the effects this time change could potentially have on driving safety.

Driving While Drowsy

According to the CDC and the NSC, there is a multitude of increased risks with driving that could arise from the effects of Daylight Savings Time. More specifically, the dangers associated with driving under a lack of sleep will be more significant after daylight savings. Furthermore, the risks of driving in the darkness in the morning with reduced visibility are also of consequence. According to the CDC, “drowsy driving” is a severe issue in the United States. The implications of driving when fatigued can include a diminished attention span, delayed responsiveness, and impacts on decision making. None of these repercussions are ideal driving conditions. Drowsiness after Daylight Savings time should be something to consider when planning your commute.

Accident in the Dark

On a similar note, the consequences of driving in the darkness are crucial to be conscious of as well. According to the NSC, the majority of car injury incidents occur when it is dark outside. However, some precautions can be implemented to keep you safe from driving drowsy as well as in the dark once Daylight Savings time commences.

10 Ways to Stay Safe During Daylight Savings Time Change

Here are some recommendations to combat the potentially dangerous effects that Daylight Savings time can have on your morning drive:

  1. In the weeks leading up to Daylight Savings Time, have your car examined to ensure everything such as taillights, brake lights, headlights, oil changes, etc. are all good to go
  2. In the days leading up to the time change, get plenty of rest
  3. In the days leading up to the time change, set your clock forward so your sleep schedule can gradually adjust
  4. Allot for additional time in your commute
  5. Pay special attention to controlling your speed
  6. Be able to distinguish your low beams and high beams. Do not use high beams as you near other vehicles
  7. Dim your interior screen brightness to prevent a distraction
  8. Maintain minimal car audio to avoid a distraction
  9. Be hyper-alert of pedestrians, bicyclists, and animals
  10. Be aware of other drivers potentially veering off the road

With all of these tips in consideration, stay safe and smart as Daylight Savings approaches!

Contact a Kentucky Lawyer for Assistance

If you or a loved one have been injured in a car accident, please do not hesitate to call Dixie Law Group at 502-290-2397.

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We work closely with our clients and offer vigorous representation both in and out of the courtroom. If you would like to learn more about our services, please reach out to our office today.

You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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