Glare Dangers: Addressing Glare in your Vehicle

Although glare on a windshield only usually lasts for a few seconds, it does pose a real threat to drivers and passengers. Just a few seconds is enough time for a serious collision to happen. A driver might not see someone pull out into traffic or fail to stop for slowing traffic because of being unable to look at the vehicles in front of him or her.

Reducing Glare in Your Car

The good news is that you can reduce glare in your car...

  1. If possible, always use your visors and sunglasses.
  2. If you're in a place where the sun is a constant concern, consider getting tinting on your windows. This is particularly helpful if you're prone to sensitivity from light.
  3. Another thing to keep track of is how new your windshield wipers are. If something gets on your windshield to cause glare, you need to have wipers that are working well enough not to spread the offending substance. You want them to clear away anything on the windshield rapidly.
  4. Finally, remember to clean the inside of your windshield. Dust and dirt scatter light, making it harder to see. Not being able to see well could end up resulting in a collision from blind spots.

These are a few things you can do to see better when the sun is reflecting on your windshield. If you're hit by a driver who couldn't see because of glare, you may have legal options.

Source: The Newswheel, "8 Easy Ways to Reduce Sun Issues on Your Windshield," accessed May 31, 2018

Reach Out To Us For Help

We work closely with our clients and offer vigorous representation both in and out of the courtroom. If you would like to learn more about our services, please reach out to our office today.

You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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