What's Being Done to Make the Dixie Highway Safer?

If there is a dangerous area of the road, it's important to do what you can to report it to the authorities. Over time, if there are enough complaints, crashes and injuries or deaths, the area may be addressed.

That's what's finally happening in Louisville. It's been known for some time that the Dixie Highway was dangerous, and many people avoided the area knowing it was hazardous. Hopefully, that will be changing in the future.

In May, the final plans for Dixie Highway's improvements were released, showing that sidewalks and fiber optic cables would be just some of the improvements people could expect. Dixie Highway is one of the most dangerous areas in Louisville for pedestrians and drivers alike. Although there are similar roads throughout the state, the Dixie Highway's rate of fatal crashes is over three times the rate seen in those areas.

In the areas of the highway that see the greatest number of pedestrians, the state plans to install sidewalks. Medians will also be added, which helps reduce the number of crashes by preventing people from crossing into the opposite lanes. Additionally, with fiber optics, the traffic lights will be linked, allowing them to work in sync with one another.

Just adding medians is expected to reduce the number of crashes by around 30 percent. Having sidewalks will further help reduce collisions by keeping pedestrians off the roads.

The process for making the area safer is long, and it's not expected to be finalized until 2019. At least then, the residents in the area and those who use the highway can feel confident that it is safer.

Those who are injured in a crash on the Dixie Highway that wasn't their fault can pursue compensation through a civil lawsuit for their injuries and damages.

Source: WDRB, "Final design plans for Dixie Highway improvements include sidewalks, fiber optic cable," Travis Ragsdale, Kyle Mitchell, accessed Aug. 15, 2017

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You can contact our lawyers in Louisville at 502-806-8711 or contact us online. Initial consultations are always free.


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